Monday, February 28, 2011

Update on the Dalglish Boost

Now that Dalglish has been in charge for a reasonable number of games, we can get a more statistically significant estimation of how the team perform under him versus Hodgson. And the result is: no difference. In particular, the model has a term for the "Dalglish boost" (change in performance under Dalglish), and the best fit model has it set to exactly 0.

What do we take away from this? Were the initial results just noise?

I think not. Rather I think the best explanation is that a new manager often gives a temporary boost to the team. We saw this both with Liverpool (where the temporary boost was statistically significant) and probably with Inter as well under Leonardo. Indeed, many pundits have predicted this is what would occur: Liverpool get a morale boost up front, but in the end, it is the overall quality of the players that matters most.

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