Tuesday, March 1, 2011

EPL Week 29 Fantasy Team

Here are the teams to focus on this week, according to my models:

  • Attack: {Chelsea, Bolton}, {Fulham, Arsenal}, Newcastle
  • Defense: Man City, {Fulham, Arsenal}, Birmingham, Chelsea

I've grouped those that are roughly equivalent, while the others are in order with best on the left.

In fact, Man City is by far the most likely clean sheet, so we can start there. Given the large number of injuries, Zabaleta may be the only safe choice amongst defenders. But we can choose another defensive player form City by picking the keeper, Joe Hart, who is also a safe choice.

Switching over to attack, we certainly want to take a Chelsea attacker given that they are facing Blackpool. I picked Torres because he is almost certain to start, and against this defense, I think he will finally score. However, Anelka would be another reasonable option. From Bolton, Sturridge is in incredible form, while Elmander has been the opposite, so I will pick the former. Fulham has no good choices. Newcastle's only choice is Best, but he has not delivered recently. Arsenal is also racked by injuries, which limits the choices to just Arshavin or Bendtner. I went with the latter as he's been in good form recently, although the former may be a safer choice.

In midfield, we have many teams to consider but surprisingly few good choices. From Chelsea, we could take Malouda or Lampard. Nothing from Bolton. Dempsey is the only good choice from Fulham. Arsenal has only Nasri. Newcastle has only Nolan since Barton is still struggling with injury. With only one more choice from Chelsea and Arsenal, it makes the most sense, I think, to take a Chelsea attacker given their opposition, and save the last Arsenal choice for a defender. Malouda's form has not been great recently, so I picked Lampard, along with Dempsey and Nolan.

Leaving aside Chelsea and Man City, both of whom we have used up already, we have only a three teams to consider for defenders. Arsenal's only good choice is Djourou, but he has been as good as Chelsea's Ivanovic, in terms of points. Fulham has Baird and Hangeland. Birmingham has Ridgewell. The only decision is which Fulham defender to choose, and I picked Hangeland as he was performing very well not long ago.

Thus we arrive at the following following 4-3-3:

  • Attackers: Torres (CHE), Sturridge (BOL), Bendtner (ARS)
  • Midfield: Lampard (CHE), Dempsey (FUL), Nolan (NEW)
  • Defenders: Zabaleta (MAC), Hangeland (FUL), Djourou (ARS), Ridgewell (BIR)
  • Keeper: Hart (MAC)

The final choice is whom to pick for captain. The most sensible plan is to take a Chelsea attacker, which in my case means Torres.

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